Caves to Visit
Around Lourdes there are two caves that you absolutely must visit!
The Caves of Betharram
Located 15km from Lourdes, 30 min. by car.
The Bétharram Caves were discovered in 1810 and one of the first to open to the public.
From 1880, the English residents of Pau ventured here with the help of the miller Losbats de Lestelle Bétharram.
After a few years of work, Léon Ross, painter and one of the first photographers of the Pyrenees, opened them to the general public in 1903. As soon as they opened, he electrified them while allowing the surrounding population to benefit from this new comfort: light.
They have several superimposed floors that you will discover on foot, by boat and back with the little train.
The Caves of Médous
Ranked 3rd in the world by F. HERZOG, they are a true tribute to nature, to its work, to its beauty.
Before visiting the caves of Médous, you will enter the green park, the starting point and end of this unforgettable visit. There are beautiful trees shading many streams fed by a semi-circular basin. This basin stops the waters of the spring gushing in waves from 2 neighboring cavities.
The Caves of Médous are divided into two parts: a lower gallery known as the “ Dry Gallery ” and an upper “ Galerie des Merveilles ”.
The richness of the concretions, the beauty of the underground river, the structure of the cave, the exceptional location of the entrance enjoying a unique setting and ease of access are all elements that ensure tourist value. top notch. All along the route, you can discover the most diverse concretions: Stalactites, Stalagmites, Eccentrics, Columns or Gours and Petrified Waterfalls.